Monday, December 24, 2007

Some thoughts on Mitt Romney

Well I figured it was about time to add a little something on one of my new least favorite people in the spotlight lately, Mitt Romney. Can you really blame the poor guy. I mean being brainwashed as a kid and growing up in mormonism is hard to drop....but not impossible. However, my sympathy for his sad situation in now way crosses over to support. I have absolutely no desire to live in a modern day theocracy. Electing mitt romney as president will do nothing but move this nation back into the middle ages where religion had it's dirty chokehold and diseased fingers wrapped around every aspect of an individuals life. Sure Romney will gain favor with many christians, growing up and being mormon for 22 years I can tell you that mormons love to claim that they are christians and I can assure you the mormons I grew up with somehow seemed to lack any christian value or quality. Sure they made everyone know about the "mormon values" they believed in, but christian values?? They dont exist in mormonism. Well until next time enjoy this lovely clip from Pat Condell. ---Cheers

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