Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mormons, Polygamists and lots of stupid LDS shit!

Have no fear I have not lost my disgust for Mormonism!! I have simply been too busy with work and school to sit down and write a few things. The ideas have been cooking. I realized I haven’t posted any drafts of the letter template I used to remove my name from the church records. Below is a copy of the letter I used. Keep in mind that it takes months for them to actually get off their asses and remove your membership information. In my specific case it took about 6 months, and I sent 2 reminder letters and one letter threatening legal action. I will also be working at scanning in a copy of my patriarchal blessing. This is a blessing given to either teenagers or adults which is supposed to act as sort of a guide for your life…..not necessarily like fortune telling but kind of. At the moment I don’t have the information but when I have it ready I will post a copy of my blessing along with the official church definition of what a patriarchal blessing is for.

As for those polygamists in TX. Well they are obviously fundamentalist whack jobs, no question about it. My favorite part of the whole saga is that every time I look in the newspaper or TV or anything I always see discussions with Mormons wanting to clarify that they are in fact not associated with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ. On a technical note sure they might be right, one says “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” and one decided to add the word “Fundamentalist”, same difference in my opinion. They both stem from the same seed. That fact is irrefutable. We all know what bigoted pigs founded the church. Joseph Smith being the key player of course. It is a fact that Mormons still do believe in polygamy in the afterlife. The only reason they ever decided to “stop” practicing it was to expedite statehood, that was the ONLY reason. Well and of course we know that back in those times Viagra wasn’t invented so how was a dirty old bastard like Brigham Young supposed to make love to 40 wives when he couldn’t even get it up??

Hmmmm what else do I have to write about. Oh yes, I remember, at a family BBQ a few weeks ago my all mormon brainwashed uncles and aunts were sitting around discussing church as usual. Somehow I heard someone get on the topic of how we were in the “last days” a term I had heard my entire life, how the millennium would come soon and the world would end or be cleaned with fire and Christ would once again reign on his earthly throne. LOL. Ok so anyways I heard some family members talking about how there were sooo many wars, and natural disasters, and people starving and all these types of calamities happening which certainly signified that “the end was near” I started to chime in and share my 2 cents but stopped myself because I couldn’t remember the exact reference to back up my argument. After a little research I found it. I remembered that somewhere in the mormon scripture of Doctrine and Covenants that Joseph Smith had prophesied the end of the world. In section 130 of the doctrine and covenants Joseph talks about what will happen in the second coming of Christ in verses 14-17 Joseph says he was praying very earnestly when a voice came and told him that if he lived until the age of 85 he would see the face of the son of man. Joseph said he didn’t know whether this mean the end of the second coming/destruction or the beginning or whether that would be when he would die and then he would see christs face. Either way he was dead wrong…lol…no pun intended. Obviously the second coming did not happen when prophesied. Joseph did not live to be anywhere near 85 years old (thank goodness, he did plenty of damage in his short life). So what explanation have we for this mystery?? One mormon told me that since joseph didn’t live till the age of 85 the prophecy is not valid. What do you mean??? A prophecy is a prophecy, fate is fate, in their minds these are things that are not variable, they do not change. Hmmmm, guess that means that he was not a prophet. DUH.


Elder Joseph said...

Well done on evaluating the LDS claims and finding them short of what you have been taught to believe.

I'm lucky to have only spent 2 years in the church( Cult ? ) and only as an Active Investigator, though I felt the wrath of the Bishop on occasion, especially whenI tried to ask a question concerning the past.

It was hard work fending of baptism attempts while I tried to evaluate everything.That alone was suspicious.

Well I was stitched up from the beginning by ill informed baptism hungry missionaries and conspired efforts from valiant Ward members to get me sucked in.

I look forward to your Patriarchal Blessing . No doubt its going to state the obvious drivvle about being obedient in church and these blessings will come etc.

Elder Joseph said...

PS Polygamy really pi**ed me off big time.